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Competition Rules 2022

As agreed at the AGM in January 2020, the club will now run five competitions each year starting in 2022; these will be March, May, July, September, and November.

Competitions are open to paid-up members only.

There will still be three classes of entry ‘Club Class’ for novices and beginners, ’Improvers Class for improvers and ‘Advanced Class for the more experienced turners.

Each member can enter 1 item in their class per competition.

New members will be entered into the Club class unless they choose to go straight into one of the other classes.

Voting will be by the members and guests attending on competition evenings, with one vote per person in each class

Working on an aggregated points system as follows.

In each class the entry receiving the most points would be awarded 3 points, second 2 points, third 1 point, if there are more than one entry with the same number of highest votes then they would both be awarded 3 points. The entry with the next highest number of votes would be classed as second, and again, if there is more than one entry with equal votes, then both would be awarded 2 points. The entry with the next highest number of votes would be classed as third, and again, if there is more than one entry with equal votes, then they would be awarded 1 point each.

Each class are competing for a trophy which will be presented at the AGM. The points for each competition will be totalled for the year giving a winner. The trophy will be engraved, and they will keep it for the year, a £10 prize, and a certificate the trophy will be returned in December for the next year’s winner. If there is more than one competitor with equal points, then we will look at the results for the year and the competitor awarded the more 3 points will be declared the winner. Should this again be equal then we would look at the 2 points awards to decide the winner.

Club Class

The points gained in Club Class will be carried forward year on year and when a member reaches 30 points then they would move to the next higher class the next year and will receive a certificate of merit. Only the points gained in the current year will be counted towards the annual competition.

Improvers Class

The points gained in Improvers Class will be carried forward year on year and when a member reaches 36 points then they would move to the next higher class the next year and will receive a certificate of merit. Only the points gained in the current year will be counted towards the annual competition.

A member can if they so wish to move up to a higher class at any time, but the points they have gained in the lower class will be lost and they will start from zero. Once a member moves up from a lower class they cannot move back down

Advanced Class

Points will be awarded in the same way, and the final score at the end of the year will produce a winner. In this section, all points are zeroed at the end of the year, and all will start from zero.

Attention must be paid to the brief for the competition and no additions will be allowed, i.e. a vase is a vase and not a vase with flowers. A tea light holder does not include a tea light.

It is a wood turning competition, and it is the quality of the actual turning and finishing that is being judged.

If the entry does not comply with the brief, then it may be disqualified at the discretion of the committee.

The committee’s decision will be final in the event of dispute.

Amended January 2022

Competition Entries September 2019

Club Class Competition Winners September 2019

Advanced Class Competition Winners September 2019